From visits to OEM companies using flash storage as a critical device in their systems over the last couple decades, the discussion often turns to what would happen to the company if the flash storage failed.
In some instances, there would be no real downside to the company – a minor inconvenience as the flash card is replaced. In other instances, the company’s system would fail, causing mission failure – or worst – with no way of recovery.
In general, reality is somewhere in between. The system would need to be serviced – which requires a repair technician to travel to the site or the system would need to be shipped back if possible. Company reputation would suffer as the OEM’s customer questions their judgement on selection of their system vendor. Finally, any profit associated with this sale or others is lost due to the added expense of service and repair.
What if there was a solution which would minimize or possibly eliminate flash storage related failures from your OEM system?
What would that be worth to an OEM system manufacturer?
To give a real-life example, Cactus worked with an OEM several years ago. Over a 2-year period we shipped over 200,000 Industrial Grade CF Cards which were integrated into their system and used to store and run the operating system and application. It’s been over 5 years and we have not had a failure at this OEM. Not one on 200,000 units.
What if there was a solution which would minimize or possibly eliminate flash storage related failures from your OEM system?
What would that be worth to an OEM system manufacturer?
To give a real-life example, Cactus worked with an OEM several years ago. Over a 2-year period we shipped over 200,000 Industrial Grade CF Cards which were integrated into their system and used to store and run the operating system and application. It’s been over 5 years and we have not had a failure at this OEM. Not one on 200,000 units.