Effective cyber security needs strong program management from the beginning.
Our team never hands you a policy guide and disappears. Instead, we stay with you for the long term, helping your staff implement the cybersecurity programs we created together.
Through a large information security program, we address concerns around your company’s entire technology operations. For example, we can help a project management team drive discipline and predictability to migrate information to the cloud with security.
Cyber security program management includes several distinct components such as:
- Executing the security program. We brief your executive team and your board members, secure the budget, assure the staff skills are in place, and help you kick off your new cyber defense plan.
- Assuring the program’s alignment with the company’s overall strategic plan. More and more companies are recognizing cyber security as a stand-alone business function. We work with CISOs to ensure that cyber security’s organizational role gets wrapped into larger corporate strategies.
- Optimizing resources. The already legendary skills shortage in cyber security will only grow worse. Enterprises need to allocate critical resources to critical needs and secure an array of top performers who can optimize resource capacity and performance.
- Identifying and solving problems. We know the risks inherent in any cyber defense project so we can help your team identify weak points and solve problems as they arise.
Continuous improvement. We’re committed to helping your staff members grow